Sunday, June 23, 2002

Another reader writes in with what plagues most people that workout and fail to see results...

Thought I would write this because I am sick of people who lift but never get bigger because they eat like shit telling me that I am big, strong, and ripped mainly because of genetics, neglecting the hours I put in the gym and meticulous diet that I follow down to the calorie.

Charles Staley recently wrote an article on the 10 wrong things that people do during workouts (email if you would like to receive a copy). I like the article, but I thought it skipped what I feel is the most important aspect of weight training that people most neglect-- diet.

Most weight lifters train well but eat terribly, which many consider more important than the workout itself. If you get a notebook and just for day, write out every meal that you eat and break down protein/fat/carbs/calories, I think you will be shocked. I have dealt with easily over a hundred people who have asked me for advice when lifting or even worked out with me. I would have to say about 5 out of every hundred actually eat properly for maximum gains. I know of many people who lift ferociously, and eat less than 2000 calories a day. 2000 calories is what the FDA deems as amount eaten by the average man. So, some "hardcore" lifters are eating less than the average man, the average man who is a 20 percent body fat, can't bench press his own weight chump who sits at a desk all day waiting for the clock to strike 5 so he can go home and eat dinner in time to watch a new episode of Friends before he goes to sleep with his 175 pound wife.

With this in mind, next time you write yourself a workout so you can walk around with your shirt off in the summer and not get laughed at, first grab a sheet of paper and figure out how you can eat at least 3000 GOOD calories a day.


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