Wednesday, September 04, 2002

FYI, from today's WSJ.

Woe, Canada

It wasn't all that long ago that Hillary Clinton and Ira Magaziner tried to sell Americans on the virtues of Canada's state-run health care. Well, a new report from the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute ought to send anyone who still harbors that illusion into the hospital, but only if it's a U.S. hospital.

Despite spending more money per capita than any other country with a similar "universal" (aka socialized) system, Canada ranks right up there with Turkey, Hungary and Poland in the quality of care its citizens receive. The study ranks countries according to seven health-care indicators. Four concern access to high-technology medical equipment: Canada ranks 18th in access to MRIs, 17th in access to CT scanners, eighth in access to radiation machines, and 13th in access to lithotripters (for kidney stones).


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