Sunday, June 15, 2003

Reason mag ran this piece on Ali G in last month's issue (yeah I subscribe eventhough they put the entire issue online free the next month-- respect, aiight). This is far and away the funniest show on TV (respect to Dave Chappell too). Quick side note, my brother is in Slovakia and at this club when someone comes up to him and asks him if he is American. My brother replies that he is and the guy then wants to know if my brother knows Ali G. Of course my brother is well versed in Ali G speak and replies respect, aiight. The guy is so exicited, he tells my brother that he owns the club and he will take care of him-- Ali G bringing people together.

Ali G, who speaks a puzzling patois of British slang, hip-hopisms, and Caribbean creole, gets things rolling by describing a friend with a Web site who "ain’t got no techmology." Later it emerges that Ali G thinks a computer would be stumped if asked to multiply really big numbers and that he considers the human fondness for bananas evidence of evolution. When one of the futurologists says in passing, "We’re Homo sapiens," Ali G objects: "Hey, I ain’t. I don’t do that stuff." Even when the discussion veers into accusations concerning the floater someone left in the toilet backstage, with the creationist adamantly disclaiming responsibility, no one has the temerity to suggest that Ali G cannot be for real


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