Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Just reading something that I thought was rather profound from Charles Staley. Just finished this book called the Alchemist a couple weeks ago and his advice comes straight from the moral of that story (no it wasn't about lifters!).

If I had to briefly sum up my best advice to lifters out there, it would be:

• Make sure what you do in life is deeply rewarding to you, not done out of ego gratification or vanity.

• Develop a mission statement for your life. Get real clear about your purpose, what you do best, and what you need to improve.

• Discover the universal success principles that apply both to lifting and life (it'll save you a lot of time that way!)

• Finally, most of us are rather oblivious to the obvious solutions to our problems in life. Usually the answer isn't found in some high tech or obscure theory; it's probably right in front of your nose (example: you're fat? Then eat less!)

One last thing: all of us that are held up as "gurus" are just average people who managed to do things just a little smarter, a little more efficiently, and who most importantly, were true to their calling in life. Find yours and big changes start to happen. Trust me on that.


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