Monday, August 02, 2004

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Pepperoni by Bill Bonner

Bill Bonner offers up another stellar analysis of the current election for US president.

The race in November has turned out to be a classic contest between a fool and a knave; we're not quite sure which is which. On the one hand, George W. Bush – scion of a rich, New England family, with the most powerful connections in the nation, a Yale graduate, Skull & Bones member and Harvard MBA – pretends to be a dumb cowboy who just follows his instincts. On the other, John Kerry – also from Yale, also a Skull & Bones member, with a billionaire wife, fabulous homes all over the place, and a 'go along' attitude to practically every piece of pork-barrel legislation ever served up in Washington – pretends to be a 'man of the people' determined to restore justice to the tax system.

Both the men, and the process that put them where they are, are frauds. But Americans love fraud and self-delusion. They take up one flim-flam after another as if they were free drinks. They keep at it until their legs buckle.


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