Thursday, September 16, 2004

A Politician's Economic Policy.....

Was reading the WSJ this am on my walk to the train and saw the words "Kerry's Economic Policy" and I felt like I was struck by lightening. What can a president do to create economic prosperity? Now it is much easier for a president to destroy economic prosperity, as we have seen pretty much throughout history, but actually creating any....I don't think so. Well unless of course they ran under a policy of decreasing governmental power, increasing liberty and freedom, and basically rolling back years and years of laws that stifle productivity, inovation and creativity. The would also have to agree to end the government pillaging that takes place on a daily base for the wealth producers and gets redistributed as King government sees fit. It is kind of funny (or maybe I should say sad) that people talk about Regan's economic revolution or Clinton's "its the economy stupid" referring to these comical political figures as sort of demigods, who can create economic growth with the wave of a wand. Alan Greenspan is another economic clown, who the masses bow down to as a creator of wealth and prosperity as opposed to the redestibutor that he is (ask your real estate buddies about that). All that these characters can do is to create mal-investment and shift resources from what the market deems productive to what they deem productive (and they will always be wrong mind you) or to where they think the hand outs will most likely help them get re-elected. It is sad that the only place that one can go to realize this fallacey is to the Austrain Economists, who admit that the power is in the indivuduals and no one person can stop the business cycle (even you GWB). Reading Krugman, Kudlow or Delong conveys to the masses that government welds this power and history and common sense show us that this is just blatantly wrong. When will people listen to Hayek and Von Mises and not pray to the god of government, which will only lead to our destruction? Hopefully sooner rather than later. I have faith....


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