Monday, June 17, 2002

Some quick hits today cause I want to go to bed soon…

Take the handwriting test

Andrew Sullivan chimes in with a nice little op-ed on why the 90’s worked.

The Bush White House likes to pump iron, just one more reason to support them.

Also anyone who has requested workouts, I have been exceptionally busy and was out of town last weekend. Hopefully I will have you all something out soon and you can begin your road to dieselness.

A Battle Eminem Doesn’t Want

No, this is not a joke. Seriously, sources close to Eminem have reported that the superstar has received death threats from a group of Bin Laden’s followers, called “al Qaida.” This of course comes in response to Eminem dressing up as Bin Laden in his video for “Without Me.” Does this mean that Bin Laden and the al Qaida watch MTV?

A blurb on hip-hopper J-Live, who released one of the best albums of the year

TC writes a great piece on using “the power of audacity” to your advantage.

Bootlegging music is not making a difference in CD sales according to Liebowitz, a professor of managerial economics at the University of Texas at Dallas.

“The reason I gave in the paper is that maybe people aren't shifting their music [from MP3s to CDs]. But I've also seen some recent numbers on households that have CD writers, and it's something approaching 30 percent. We should see an impact. There's a 5 percent decline in CD sales this year, but that's what you might expect in a recession. So we're still not seeing much. And what I'm beginning to suggest now is that perhaps people aren't going to replace the purchase of CDs with these MP3s.”


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