Friday, July 26, 2002

Rep Traficant got the boot today with only Gary Conduit voting against his expulsion from Congress. Mob connections, crazy rants, kick backs and a whole mess of other baggage plauged Mr. Trafficant, who represented Youngstown, Ohio and may be back in Congress very shortly.

A few hysterical conservatives have opined that Traficant was removed for the crime of being very un-P.C. He was certainly that, but he was also a total nut job, albeit a highly amusing one. In his testimony before the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, Traficant explained to the chairman why he was late to his own hanging: “I was on media broadcasts trying to demean you and the others.” He asked former employer and friendly witness Sandra Ferrante point blank, “Were you and I sex partners?”

Ferrante: No.

Traficant: Why not?


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