Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Gavin offers his thoughts on team usa's performance or lack thereof... I blame the whole thing on the Michael Jordan effect. Everyone wants to be like MIke..aka dunking and showboating. Mike of course also could shot the J and play D but the flash is what everyone tries to copy. As Gav states, we obviously need to send a "TEAM" not a bunch of the one on one players. A disgrace though for our country for sure.

Just goes to show you that good basketball will still beat whatever
game the NBA has been playing the past five years. Its only going to get
worse - other countries actually teach their young kids how to shoot and
dribble, and play within a team concept. I guarentee that I can pick a team
among our amateurs with lesser talent that would have whooped any foreign
squad. I mean, Antonio Davis, Ben Wallace, Shawn Marion? Please. Give me
Jay Williams, Dan Dickau, Dunleavy, Drew Gooden, Juan Dixon, Chris Marcus -
people who still know how to play a sport which resembles what the rest of
the world plays. International rules force teams to learn to do something
else than back into the paint and play isolation ball.


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