Saturday, July 12, 2003

Another great libertarian piece that appeared just prior to the 4th of July proposing a new declaration for independence day.

My sense of this libertarian majority is based on no polling. That’s part of its strength, it doesn’t have to be validated by focus groups. Liberty is a founding principle of the country. It’s that simple. If you need anecdotal evidence that people actually want to be free, start listening to the vox populi making itself heard on weblogs. Or better yet, write a weblog of your own.

I propose that the motto of this movement be the Thoreauvian chestnut, “That government is best which governs least.” Or maybe we should quote Douglas Adams: “We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!” Whatever. The plan is to legalize almost everything and let adults be adults.

Liberty is going to have to mean letting other people do things you don't approve of. If you want to smoke dope and your neighbor wants to smoke cigarettes and the guy across the street wants to give a gun to his boyfriend as an engagement present before their lavish church wedding, nobody can be telling the others what they can and can’t do. Respect everyone’s privacy and maybe you’ll end up treating everyone with respect.


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