Tuesday, May 11, 2004

You're not Dave Chappelle, and you're not funny.

Maddox of his website fame takes on the Chappelle impersonations out there. As per usual, he doesn't hesitate to hold his tongue.

Look assholes, it's funny when Dave Chappelle says it, not you. I'm tired of people adopting speech patterns, catch phrases, and their entire personalities from movies. When Jim Carrey's "Ace Ventura" came out, every prick I know did their worst "allllrighty then" impression. You can still hear it echoed by smug school girls who try to compensate for their lack of personality and any semblance of wit by chanting this mantra so maybe you won't notice that they're lying whores.

Anyway...I'm Rick James Bitches...Enjoy yourself.


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