Thursday, September 09, 2004

Fraud In Venezuela's Electin...Shocking

WSJ reports that some economists from Harvard and MIT have shown that the recall of Chavez was corrupt. This throws dirt in the face of Jimmy "attacked by crazy rabbits" Carter and the US government who said that the election was fair. Governments not telling the

Instead, the CNE insisted on its own program, run on its own computer. Mr. Carter's team acquiesced, and Messrs. Hausmann and Rigobon conclude that, in controlling this software, the government had the means to cheat.

"This result opens the possibility that the fraud was committed only in a subset of the 4,580 automated centers, say 3,000, and that the audit was successful because it directed the search to the 1,580 unaltered centers. That is why it was so important not to use the Carter Center number generator. If this was the case, Carter could never have figured it out."

Mr. Hausmann told us that he and Mr. Rigoban also "found very clear trails of fraud in the statistical record" and a probability of less than 1% that the anomalies observed could be pure chance. To put it another way, they think the chance is 99% that there was electoral fraud.

via the Devil's Excrement


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