Sunday, September 15, 2002

Because people have been asking me, here is a great article on fish oils.

So here's a question: Is there just one type of dietary fat? Clearly, the answer is NO. Of the many different kinds, we see a full medicine chest of dietary "drugs" (call them "nutraceuticals" if you will). And that's not just my assessment.(4, 6, 7, 23) One of America's problems is that — as is the case with many dietary components — we get no variety. Too much of any single nutrient isn't good. And yet we gorge ourselves on french fries, chips, and other greasy modern delights. We can't resist a good deep-fried refined starch. We end up consuming tons of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans-fatty acids rather than getting-in a healthy balance of omega-3s (DHA and EPA from fish oils, linolenic acid from flax), monounsaturates (olive oil, peanuts), and other interesting lipids. The goal for any physique and health-conscious individual should be to seek out and consume a greater variety of fats. I'll warn you, though, it takes some work.


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