Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Some quick hits today...

First up an interesting interview with Vin Diesel, who obviously lives the Diesel Style.

The Eonomist offers some advice for those that are banking on gold for a safe haven or to get a solid return.

It is worth remembering that although gold has been doing well in recent years, its price is still below the level reached during much of the 1980s and 1990s (see chart). As an indicator of what might happen to gold, pessimists point to the fate of silver. Central banks used to hoard the white metal, much as they hoard gold now. But they have long since sold their stocks, and the price of silver, at under $5 an ounce, is back to where it was two centuries ago. Analysts reckon that if central banks ditched all their gold, its value could tumble to $70 an ounceā€”a fifth of the current level.


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