Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Interesting Interview with one of the Founders of the Marginal Revolution Blog, Alex Tabarrok

You have to like the fact that George Mason has so many libertarians on their staff. Some gems from the interview...

11: You've suggested what established adults should do to prepare themselves for the economic apocalypse (mortgage their houses, invest in art, get tenure). But what can/should those who are just finishing college or graduate school do to avoid being caught high-and-dry?

After years of study and thought, I have a come up with a fool-proof 7-point plan to weather the coming financial apocalypse. Will you be one of the many caught in the flood or will you plan ahead and save your future and that of your children? It's not too late - financial security is still possible. My 7-point plan to save your financial future can be had for just 3 easy payments of $29.95. Don't delay.

Seriously, I have never used the term apocalypse and I am not a financial planner. What I do think is that over the next several decades taxes are going to go up very severely and there will be cuts in social security, Medicare and Medicaid. My advice, is save more than you think you will need and try to save with assets that will be hard to tax.

12: Do you think that a Kerry presidency would be better for our long-term fiscal health than a second Bush presidency would be?

Kerry is obviously no fiscal hawk. Having said that I do think a Kerry presidency would be better for long-term fiscal health but not because of him. Kerry would be good because Republicans are a wonderful opposition party. When in the opposition they talk a great line about free trade, federalism, and fiscal discipline but don't expect them to follow through. Remember, no matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.


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