Wednesday, September 01, 2004

DVD: Da Ali G Show: Da Compleet First Seazon

DVD.IGN.COM reviews the recently released Ali G season one dvd. Reading the review is the next best thing to watching the show. If you are at Best Buy, this dvd should be purchased.

The never before seen Borat footage is reason enough to make the purchase...

Aside from the commentary, there is some never-before-seen footage of a couple new Borat segments, and they are hilarious. In the most painful bit on any of the episodes, Borat visits the Hamptons Horse Show and interviews an unsuspecting equestrian. The interview consists of a lengthy comparison of horses and humans, and it's completely one-sided.

It goes like this: "In my country, we say horse is tall… like man is tall." Then, "In my country, we say horse walks on grass… like man walks on grass." This continues for what seems like an infinity, as the interviewee grows more and more uncomfortable. Like all of Cohen's victims, she is too polite to laugh or tell him off, so the whole debacle stretches on and on. It's very amusing and very uncomfortable to watch. The other Borat bonus clip has him attending a patriot rally. It's not nearly as long or painful as the Hamptons bit, but just as funny, as Borat converses with a Vietnam vet and discusses which country is better—US and A or Kazakhstan.


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