Wednesday, March 12, 2003

J Lloyd sent in this article about Bobby Knight kind of giving back his salary to Texas Tech because of his teams performance, or lack of performance.

Highlights or lowlights if you'd like:

"I don't think it's anybody's fault but mine," Knight said of a 16-11 regular-season finish from the Red Raiders. "I just feel like I had a product and it broke. You shouldn't have to pay for it."
Despite forfeiting his $250,000 base salary, what wontt be broken is Bob’s bank account.
According to wire (and that's news, not bank) reports, Knight now will be forced to exist on 650 grand -- $500,000 in outside-interest loot and another $150,000 in deferred income.

Sure, he still has $650,000 (before taxes) to play with, but -- as Patrick Ewing has pointed out -- wealthy folks need more cash because they spend more cash.

They sure do Patrick, they sure do....
From book a minute in honor of the soon to be war....

One minute Slaughter House Five

Kurt Vonnegut

Death. So it goes.

Easily Manipulated Reader

I hate war.



Tuesday, March 11, 2003

From the weekly Northern Trust economic report...

"Given the recent weakness in the US economy, the markets are now starting to price in another 25 basis cut in the funds rate in May or June. Unless there is a major reversal in energy prices, US consumer inflation is likely to be drifting still higher in the next several months, which would make the inflation-adjusted return on short-term money even more negative. It is getting more difficult to get an "honest" return on your short-term money in any major capital market. Unless conditions change radically in the near term, gold prices are likely to be retesting their early-February highs of $390."
Light posting of late, yes I know. I have been working on attempting to study for this financial analyst test. I started about a month late, so I have some up hill sprinting to do. Oh yeah and my little sister is coming into town on next Tuesday, and my rents on Wednesday. Did I mention that NCAA tournament thing that Wake Forest is going to represent in like crazy yet? Good times...Good times... except the study part...bad times there....bad times...

ACC Regular Season Champs.... get on the bandwagon while there are still seats.