Thursday, August 19, 2004

Democrate Miller to give key note address at GOP convention: "Miller%20himself%20was%20a%20Democratic%20keynote%20speaker%20at%20the%201992%20convention%20that%20nominated%20Bill%20Clinton%20%28news%20-%20web%20sites%29%20for%20the%20presidency"

Further proof that there is no difference between the Demopublicans.

Also it is interesting to note (most interesting to note actually) that:

Miller himself was a Democratic keynote speaker at the 1992 convention that nominated Bill Clinton (news - web sites) for the presidency.

Which goes to show that Miller is accepted by the Democrates too.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Cocaine and Blunts

Cool UK based mp3 blog with some classic hiphop tracks. Check it out.