Friday, April 16, 2004

Dave Chappelle link from an interview with KCRW (via Big Nick on the okayplayer website).

KCRW is also fantastic for music especially in the am.

Monday, April 12, 2004

CBS News | Ephedra Ban Set To Start | April 12, 2004

Sad day today as one of the few legal weight loss supplements that actually work becomes illegal b/c the nanny state has decided that it needs to save the children.

The nationwide ban was set to go into effect Monday.

Last month, however, the maker of the Stacker 2 ephedra brand filed a lawsuit seeking to block the ban. NVE Pharmaceuticals of New Jersey contends the FDA lacks proof that ephedra is dangerous if used as directed. The suit argues that the agency simply reacted to the emotion of high-profile deaths like Bechler's.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

The Observer | International | Americans shrinking as junk food takes its toll

More things that you can blame on your parents!

Researchers have made a startling discovery: Americans are shrinking. A nation once famed for its strapping, well-nourished youth is gradually diminishing in physical stature.
By contrast, the heights of men and women from Europe are increasing inexorably. The average Dutchman, whose country produces the Continent's loftiest men, is now more than six feet tall - almost two inches above his American counterpart. And he is still growing. Across the Netherlands hotel owners are lengthening beds and raising door mantles to stop the nation's tall youth suffering from irreparable anatomical damage.