Wednesday, December 10, 2003 | Business | Protein diets contribute to record egg prices

Eggs, Beef etc.... People have to stop driving up the food that I eat. Granted, eatting more protein and good carbs with good fat works, it doesn't mean everyone has to jump on the bus! Jeesh.....

Monday, December 08, 2003

The Final Say on Metro Sexuals (Be a Sue)

Now this is a women dear to my heart, and also someone describing what I am all about. I always thought of myself as more of the Vince Vaughn character from Swingers (unless I am in my don't shut the hell up mood), but that is more my brother. I am more the Sue, as I've been told by many a friend.

So what man is there who I'd want? A manly man with shades of metrosexuality, a Sue. Anyone ever see that scene from Swingers where Mikey tells Rob he has to meet his friend, Sue. "Yeah, that's Sue. He's a really cool guy. There's this one time, he had this guy, had his face down in the gutter and was just smashing his head into the curb. He had blood all over his teeth and he just keeps f---ing smashing and smashing. But yeah, he's a real cool guy, you'd like him."

A Sue is similar to a friend of mine who has all the metrosexual characteristics. He dresses like he popped off a GQ page, wears only designer clothes, and drops $50 for a haircut in a salon every three weeks like clockwork. He knows every line of every movie ever made along with the producer, director, gaffer, best boy and lighting grip. He works out, uses SPF and Clinique moisturizers and could easily double as a younger, hotter Richard Gere or George Clooney.

He sounds as gay as a parade if you list out these things, but he's a f---ing Sue. He'll have a quiet, cultured conversation about societal influences on the role of women in Rwanda one minute and tear a dude's head off and bathe in his hot, salty blood the next for insulting his woman. He's a poonhound of the finest degree and has had more (and better) ass than the toilets at the Playboy mansion.

So f--k this metrosexual thing, and give me a Sue: an intelligent, manly, articulate, well-groomed (read: trims and shaves appropriately), vicious when crossed, affectionate, badass, open-minded and sexy as hell man!


CFA test is done, so I'm back to posting a couple times a week and actually having a life beyond work, the gym and studying.

Hot track. Right click save as.

Jay-Z, Soul Williams and Kanye West - Supreme Court allows Rosa Parks to sue OutKast - Dec. 8, 2003

This is a joke right? Right? Right? Our legal system continues to waste our good old tax payer dollars on these frivolous cases.

The 1998 song is about the entertainment industry and its lyrics do not refer to Parks by name. The chorus of the song goes, "Ah-ha, hush that fuss. Everybody move to the back of the bus."

Parks claimed that OutKast violated her publicity and trademark rights and defamed her. She lost her first round in federal court, but a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio, reinstated part of the lawsuit earlier this year.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Government School Teachers Are Overpaid by Brad Edmonds

Fantastic piece that touches on a subject dear to my heart. After attending a joke of a public high school and graduating with ridiculously good grades that took little effort to earn, I have experienced first hand what the author is implying. Now, not all government teachers are horrible, just the large majority. I have some good friends that I hope are solid teachers, but the system is the problem. Just one more problem that needs the market to help solve it.

Thomas Sowell has done most of the research on education students and professors for me, and I take his word for it that they are at the bottom of the academic barrel. I do have my own experience to draw on, however: extensive personal experience with an education guru; three years of college teaching experience, where education majors made up the dumbest of my students; experience as a student with fellow students who were education majors, always the dumbest among us; and I looked at the back cover of an enrollment booklet for the GRE in 1996 to see where the majors ranked. Education majors did better than art majors; worse than everybody else.

The Madness of George II by Bill Bonner

Bill Bonner offers this delightful piece on the madness of running the printing press to bring about economic recovery.

Our worry is not that George II will be proved wrong; we have little doubt that neither of his grand projects will yield a decent return. Instead, we worry what will happen when American hearts are squeezed harder...when the miry clay of disappointment, bankruptcy, depression, inflation, and national humiliation have Americans entrapped, struggling to stand up straight.

"Incompetent central bankers are more lethal even than incompetent generals," writes our old friend Lord Rees-Mogg in the Times of London this week. "They, too, have their Gallipolis.

"'We have suffered more from this cause [bad paper money] than from every other cause of calamity,'" Lord Rees-Mogg quotes a dead man, Daniel Webster. "'It has killed more men, pervaded and corrupted the choicest interests of our country more, and done more injustice than even the arms and artifices of our enemy.'

"I have lived through most of the period of the decline of the pound and the disintegration of the sterling area," his Lordship continues. "It was a long, historic process. Its early stages, which occurred before I was born, have some resemblance to the current state of the dollar. After 1918, Britain was heavily indebted and had lost competitiveness to new economies.

"The U.S. is now heavily indebted, and the debts are growing rapidly. The U.S. in its turn has lost competitive advantage to the countries of East Asia....High savings and competitive exports were the characteristic of the U.S. 100 years ago. Now they are the characteristics of East Asia."