Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Comedian Jeremy Essig

My homeboy from the Nati' (or Cinncy if you like that better) and a classmate at Wake Forest offers this glimpse into his world of comedy. I haven't seen the show, but heard from another former Demon Deacon that Jeremy is hysterical. This is a must see if he is in your area. I'm waiting for him to take the Chi by storm so I can check it out too.

Here is a clip from one of his shows.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

David Galbraith's predictions for 2004

Yeah, I have no idea who this guy is other than some techie that has his own blog, but he does have a good list. Highlights that I agree with include....

7. Tivo gets ‘betamaxed’ by no rental fee PVR service

8. Bush defeats Dean, but a larger than normal voter turnout attributed to the ‘Internet effect’

12. Racism on the rise in Europe

13. Parmalat opens a wave of corporate scandals in Europe

16. The slacker look is out, a booming economy brings about a return to sharp dressing, 60’s style

Maybe I'll make a list tonight now that there is snow falling and I already have been to the gym.