Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Is Salam Pax legit(reason article)? I believe so, but then again who knows? MSNBC gives him some love.

Hearing rumors of attacks on US soil. Lets pray this is not the case.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Check out these warblogs and blogs for some of the best war news on the net

Command Post -- my favorite by far...
Instapundit...this guy just keeps the goodness coming
Salam Pax...Iraq blogger who I've been reading for months..word on the street is that he is legit.

Hopefully we end this war soon and have a free Iraq and a dead Hussein (the whole bunch of them).
Congrats to the Deacs on a decent season that could have been great. Hopefully the hometown Pitt Panthers will be the last ones standing, now that the Deac's season is complete.